Uchaguzi Evidence

A qualitative and quantitative analysis of ICTs, state-building, and peace-building in Kenya

Ushahidi conducted a short survey to assess citizens’ familiarity with Uchaguzi, reaching a total of 446 people and covering most regions in Kenya.

Of the (8,000) respondents who reported an incident using Uchaguzi, nearly three quarters (of those interviewed in this report who had reported) said that the incident reported was resolved.

Key findings

  • The Uchaguzi platform was technically sound. Our interviews verified the number of messages received. Uchaguzi received approximately 8,000 reports, of which 5,200 were processed. In addition, 2,700 reports required responses. In several cases, people used the platform in some innovative ways for which there had not initially been a plan (e.g., some users asked for directions of where to go and vote).
  • Of the respondents who themselves used Uchaguzi, 60% said that they used it to report an incident, while 40% of users did not report an incident. Of the respondents who reported an incident using Uchaguzi, nearly three quarters said that the incident reported was resolved. Fiftyfive percent of the respondents who used Uchaguzi said that they were able to visualize the Uchaguzi map. However, 32% respondents who used Uchaguzi said that they had a desire to see the map, which suggests that they did not completely understand the functionality of the site or never used the site, even if they used the system.




percent issue was resolved