How APPI tells the story of their grantees in India
An Ushahidi instance that maps the impact of their grantees' projects, engages the grantees, and provides their partners and stakeholders with visibility into the grantees' projects.
We plan to add more stories from the ground into each of our grant posts and also engage with partners to add crowdsourced content from the field to the deployment
As a grant giving organization in India, Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives (APPI) focuses on funding projects that are working to improve the lives of under served and marginalized communities. APPI uses Ushahidi to map the impact of their grantees' projects, to engage the grantees, and to provide their partners and stakeholders with visibility into the grantees' projects.
APPI treats their grantees as valued partners and works with them to ensure that the best effort is made towards the success of the project. First, they wanted to showcase the impactful work that was being done by their grantees in India on a low-maintenance platform that was easy to access by all stakeholders, and easy to promote in the public sphere. They also wanted to understand the the geographic spread of the work their partners engaged in through the grants.
They started mapping their grants on the Ushahidi platform and started sharing the deployment among our partners and throughout their website. As they progress, they plan to train and engage grantees to add crowdsourced content straight from the field to the deployment.
Grantees mapped