Geolocalised data as a means for better democracies
In 2021, though international observers declared the elections to be “generally peaceful and well-run” the Ushahidi platform saw an increase of more than double of the reports of Human Rights violations, when compared to the 2018 elections, contradicting these statements.
The 2018 Iraqi parliamentary elections faced significant accusations of corruption and fraud. Following this, Ushahidi collaborated with a local organization called the Iraqi Network for Social Media (INSM) to help them report instances of human rights violations and advocate for change at both national and international levels. INSM utilized the Ushahidi platform during both the 2018 and 2021 elections to highlight various electoral concerns, such as security breaches, irregularities, and problems with voter registration.
Despite the achievements of the 2019–2021 Iraqi protests, the parliamentary elections of 2021 experienced the lowest voter turnout since 2003. Although international observers deemed the elections "generally peaceful and well-conducted," the Ushahidi platform recorded more than double the number of reports of human rights violations compared to the 2018 elections, contradicting these assessments. It's possible that some of these issues went unnoticed by international observers, but the platform's crowd-sourcing approach brought them to light.
There has been a significant increase in the number of reports submitted to the platform, indicating improved engagement and participation. In comparison to the 2018 elections, the 2021 elections witnessed a notable rise in the quality of reports.
During the 2021 elections, there was notable responsiveness from public entities in addressing reports, particularly those concerning online harassment towards candidates.
Reports generated from the platform have been disseminated to various international organizations. Notably, our report was presented during a session on Human Rights at the United Nations.
The platform facilitated a partnership with the Gulf Center for Human Rights, a prominent organization advocating for human rights in the Gulf region. This collaboration involves the sharing of information on human rights violations for advocacy purposes and engaging with authorities for follow-up actions.
The platform has played a crucial role in securing funding for the Iraqi Network for Social Media (INSM). While the initial two map projects were unfunded, the organization received financial support from an international donor for the latest project. This success has enhanced our reputation, established valuable connections, and fostered positive relationships with other organizations.
INSM utilizes Ushahidi primarily because of its online accessibility, eliminating the need for physical reporting offices and ensuring the safety of community members.
The platform serves as a vital tool in holding the government accountable for election and human rights issues by providing a public platform for reporting. Reports are shared with the Human Rights Office in Iraq, other public entities, and international organizations to advocate for change.
Anonymity is prioritized, encouraging the public to submit reports without fear of repercussion. Additionally, the platform allows for data verification before publication, ensuring accuracy and reliability.
Ushahidi's user-friendly interface makes it accessible to anyone, facilitating easy implementation for various projects. Moreover, ongoing support from the Ushahidi team ensures smooth deployment and operation.
The Ushahidi Platform has played a significant role in bolstering democracy and empowering civil society. It has provided a safe space for citizens to report abuses, thanks to its anonymous, online, and user-friendly features.
Total number of election related reports in 2018
2018 Election Security Incidents
2018 Election/Voter Fraud reports
2018 Election Irregularities
2018 Voting Logistics
2018 Voting Registration
2018 Voter Education or Information
2018 IDPs - Registration or Voting
2018 Candidate or Political Party Campaign
2018 Other
Total number of election-related reports in 2021
2021 Election Security Incidents
2021 Election/Voter Fraud reports
2021 Election Irregularities
2021 Voting Logistics
2021 Voting Registration
2021 Voter Education or Information
2021 IDPs - Registration or Voting
2021 Hate speech content, misleading and disinformation
2021 Minorities - Registration or Voting
2021 Candidate or Political Party Campaign