We're on a community mission to make it easier to get involved with some small asks and developer survey. In this weekly, we also have flood maps and a Crowdmap demo.
Deployment of the Week
Flood News bears the bad news of global floods. It is daunting to see so many lives affected by rising waters. This looks like a small team mission to map Floods. There have been a few water maps in the past years including SkFloods and previous Deployment of the Week from Czech Republic.
Small Asks: Community Tasks
Our community site is being retired. Finally. We are on a mission to make our community fully editable and interactive. Earlier this week we moved the Forums to the wiki. Next up, we are moving other community pages. Can you help move content to the wiki? Some Small Asks Relevant Research Resource: Practical Considerations before you Get Started Resource: Verification - Things to consider We welcome guest blog posts from the Community and are happy if you wish to Share your map project with everyone. Angela is working on how the "Small Asks" and technology community plans for each of the software products. We'll have more on this in the coming month. See our very short, developer survey below.
Things we love!
The Guggenheim Lab is tracking 100 Urban Trends. Check out their great interactive site. We are super excited that the Data Science Fellows are diving into Ushahidi to help make us better for you: https://twitter.com/datascifellows/status/346641751072714753 Speaking of which, did you see that Ushahidi is seeking a joint fellow with Internews for the Knight Mozilla Open News Fellowship. You can build and make in-house! Change Ushahidi.
Upcoming Events
Tactical Tech - Info Activism Camp. I will be attending this important event to learn as much as possible to share back with the Ushahidi community. We are sharing the Security in a Box guidelines to people a few times weekly. We're at OSCON again this year. The O'Reilly Open Source Convention (OSCON) is the must-attend gathering of the best and brightest minds in technology. It offers five immersive days of all things open source: new and innovative projects, major enterprise-wide deployments, and—from icons of the open source movement—deep perspective on where we've been and where we're headed. If you like to add, email hleson at ushahidi dot com for the discount code. I'll be hosting an Ushahidi Community Casual Meetup in Portland to coincide with OSCON.
Into the Code
Take our Developer Survey. 5 questions to help you get involved Loading...
Get a Crowdmap demo:
Sometimes a demo makes all the difference in helping you learn. We created this casual demo hangout all about new Crowdmap. See the Crowdmap user guide to get started. This week's topic of the week (#tow) is #brazil.
Add a post and map
Customize your tiles
Link your Crowdmap to Twitter and Instagram
Add posts via email
Ushahidi Core
The ushahidi v3 hit team is set to meet up in London this coming week, in their bid to knock out an Alpha release in the coming weeks. Big thank you goes out to our Mozilla friends based in London for agreeing to host the team :). You can view progress on the v3 github page, and the v3 roadmap on the wiki.
We've reworked the Swift user guide to match the recent changes made to the platform. Have a look. You can also test this out on http://next.swiftapp.com with the following credentials:-
username: admin
password: password
The SMSSync release has been pushed to Thursday, 27th June, to give room for community testing. Henry will be in touch with more details on what needs to get tested in the coming days, so keep your eyes and ears open on the dev chat and mailing lists.