Last month, We launched our open source code base for Ushahidi Version 3.0, and are seeing good uptake of the platform so far(See these two examples below).
#RefugeesWelcome: A site for coordinating refugee response.
4Bernie Sanders
This September, we’re hosting a series of online meetups help our existing and potential users familiarise themselves with Ushahidi Version 3.
Join us EVERY THURSDAY for exciting discussions and online demos(Please see individual event pages for timezone breakdown).
10th September 2015 at 7p.m UTC: Introduction to Ushahidi v3
17th September 2015 at 2p.m UTC: How to use Ushahidi v3 - Pt 1
24th September 2015: at 5a.m UTC: How to use Ushahidi v3 - Pt 2
Each event will be live streamed via Google plus , with questions fielded from:-
IRC at #ushahidi on Freenode
Gitter at ushahidi/Community
Hipchat Platform v3 room
Won't be able to attend?
Don’t worry, recordings of all these sessions will be available online after completion ;).
Remember to
Install and play around with Ushahidi
Contribute code or translations
Share your feedback
Sign up for early access and testing of the hosted version of Ushahidi coming soon ;)
We're excited to discuss and learn with you! Feel free to contact us if you have any questions :).