Ushine is a tool created by the Data Science for Social Good Fellows. Nathan Leiby, Kayla Jacobs, Kwang-Sun Jim and Elena Evena joined Emmanuel Kala, our community and network to dive into data cleaning and data analysis to assist Ushahidians and others on their data missions. The created tool is possible to use with Ushahidi or, with some code mashing, other software. Emmanuel Kala also created an Ushahidi plugin building on the collective braining. Today we held an 1-hour Google + Hangout to show the work, answer questions and talk about the next steps: (You can see the comments on the G+ site) We all want to see this work continue. Emmanuel and I will work with the fellows and our community network to build out the next steps on the wiki. To see the full presentation:
Data Science for Social Good and Ushahidi - Final Presentation from Ushahidi
Thank you
Thank you to the DSSG fellows (Nathan, Kayla, Kwang and Elena), the Data Science for Social Good program, the sponsors, fellow DSSG project participants, and the Ushahidi community for all their input, testing and guidance during this expedition.
Additional Resources
The tool is available to test.
Code is on github More about DSSG
WIKI: Data Cleanup @ Ushahidi (Community Task)
More DSSG Blog posts:
Machine Learning for Human Rights Data Fellows in the Community Weekly Reports