Yesterday, Erik and I attended the Knight Batten Awards for Innovation in Journalism. The symposium was Sponsored by J-Lab: The Institute for Interactive Journalism - American University School of Communication. We were among a great group of Finalists, and were immensely honored to have the Ushahidi Project win an award. It is our first glass plaque, and by our plaque, we mean the whole Ushahidi community. The project arose from the collaboration of bloggers and Kenyans during the post election crisis, and this is an honor to all who have supported us. Be it by displaying the buttons on your sites, entering incident reports, to telling others about Ushahidi. Thank you to Knight Batten Awards for the $2000 award money and for the recognition to Ushahidi. We look forward to making some major announcements soon regarding the software we are developing. Read more about the other fantastic projects on the J-Lab site.