Ushahidi is extremely excited to be one of the Knight News Challenge Winners for 2009! We have received a grant in the amount of $70,000 to allow us to focus on testing and building partnerships in Kenya, where the idea of Ushahidi was born. We at Ushahidi have undertaken to maintain a special commitment to Kenya, not just because of the origins of Ushahidi but also because we believe our long-term involvement in implementations and testing in Kenya will allow us to continue to improve the platform both technically and in terms of its on the ground impact. In addition, we will be able to test what opportunities Ushahidi as a platform can unlock when there are multiple iterations of Ushahidi operating within a particular geographic area and when familiarity of Ushahidi within a specific community begins to grow over-time. We have adopted, Ken Bank's mantra's of "If we build it, they will come" to grow Ushahidi, it is now time to move to the next level - we are building, they are coming, are they getting what they need from us?