First: Happy New Year!! As the development of Ushahidi moves forward towards Beta testing, we would like to gather feedback from external users of Ushahidi - this is one critical component of feedback that we have not been able to capture yet, and we hope to get some idea of how users are using the tool. Our tag line is 'Crowdsourcing Crisis Information' and this survey gives us some information about the all important 'crowd' that is you, the public. To illustrate this, note that on the DRC deployment, at the bottom of the site is a link to a feedback form.
This survey is integrated into all test areas (like Carolina For Kibera and other testers). If you currently input information into any Ushahidi implementation, we would love to hear from you. Please click on the feedback link provided on each respective site where you are submitting an incident report. For testers implementing Ushahidi, please feel free to provide the link to your users. Thank you.