Umati Google Hangout: Monitoring Dangerous Speech

Apr 26, 2013

Ushahidi is excited to invite you to join an Umati Research - Monitoring Dangerous Speech Hangout. This is the first in a series of research-focused Google Hangouts. ihub_research

Join the Umati Google Hangout

Date: Tuesday, May 7, 2013 Duration: 1 hour Time: 08:00 - 09:00 EDT / 15:00 - 16:00 EAT Your local time: global time conversion Register: Umati Google Hangout Umati Hangout Review the research

About the Umati research

The Umati (Swahili for “crowd”) project, a collaborative initiative between Ushahidi and iHub Research, monitors “dangerous speech” (hate speech with a potential to cause violence) on new media. Human monitors using a combination of technology platforms currently collect the data from identified online sources and categorize the incidences of dangerous speech into our database. Our hope is that the work of this project will be used to educate the Kenyan public on what type of speech has the potential to disrupt peace and security in the country. Through this project, we aim to create a process that can be replicated in other countries to monitor dangerous speech leading up to pivotal national events, such as elections and referendums. This Google Hangout will present the project and general trends from the 8 months of monitoring thus far, especially looking at the most recent findings from the March report. The ihub Research Manager, Angela Crandall, and Research Lead, Kagonya Awori, of the project will be available for any questions.