We're midway through the main day for Uchaguzi, and all is going well. The tech team is working hard on fixing a couple bugs (we had issues with the Twitter feed and email reports earlier), but we're now moving on that. We've got hundreds of incoming SMS messages and the election monitoring group we're partnered with (CRECO) is doing a fantastic job of getting those incoming reports verified. There are 50+ volunteers in the iHub right now. They're being masterfully organized by Ushahidi Jessica Heinzelman, doing all sorts of things from verifying and approving incoming reports to scanning different media sources for information.
Total Reports: 577, Verified: 80.07% at 1:38pm Kenya time.
If you're interested in technicalities, you can check out our Situation Room.
If you want to find pictures, there's a new Uchaguzi Flickr group. Anyone can add their referendum pictures to it as well.
How to Report:
By sending a message to 3018
By sending an email to reports.uchaguzi@gmail.com
By sending a tweet with the hashtag/s #uchaguzi
By filling this form