Best of Blogs that is... not the Shilling :) It is a great honor for the Ushahidi team that our blog was selected as The best of the Weblogs by Deutsche Welle. The announcement was made on the 19th at the Re:Publica social media convention in Berlin. David Sasaki of Global Voices spoke there, you may read his excellent piece on Technology and Transparency on his blog. We would like to thank the jury for selecting us, and we shall be adding this cool badge to our site.
PS: Its been a hectic couple of days for team as we met for our annual meeting and even got an award from Bill Clinton at CGIU. We have more in store as we continue to collaborate on making our platform better. There will be some exciting news to share in the coming months, and you bet we shall continue to blog this incredible journey that began in the Kenyan blogosphere.