(Cross-posted from the official Making All Voices Count Blog Making All Voices Count’s Global Innovation Competition, launched at the Open Government Partnership Summit in London November 1st, 2013, set out to scout the globe for the best new ideas and proven concepts to enhance government transparency and accountability. A total of 196 innovations were deemed eligible and the public were invited to have their say. On January 30, 2014 voting closed and 68,021 votes were cast from 46,281 registered users. Today, February 5, 2014 Making All Voices Count is delighted to announce the 30 semi-finalists. These are comprised of the highest-voted 26 entries, along with four selected wildcards. “The Global Innovation Competition asked citizens to decide which innovations we should support,” says Mathias Antonsson, Programme Manager for Making All Voices Count’s Innovation Component. “Too often transparency and accountability initiatives don’t review the demand of the end-user. However, this competition, by inviting the public to vote, directly engages with them.” So what do the public want? An online platform in South Africa that encourages citizens to rate the quality and integrity of services. A monthly newsletter in Kenya that focuses on government spending and services. A web-based geographic information system in Indonesia that provides information on government-funded projects and allows citizens to share their views. A web and mobile based system in Tanzania which verifies academic documents, fighting corruption. A platform where citizens and elected officials in Bangladesh can interact on budget, expenditure and information, allowing citizens to hold their leaders to account based on pre-election commitments. The following, in order, have been selected by the public:
My Gov, My Part (My Government, My Partnership) Philippines. Citizen Engagement.
Citizen Engagement to Implement Election Manifesto Bangladesh. Citizen Engagement.
Opening The Window Bangladesh. Access to Information.
Bahawalpur Service Delivery Unit (BSDU) Pakistan. Citizen Engagement.
SMS for Human Rights System Tanzania. Citizen Engagement.
Precision Agriculture Information System Bangladesh. Budget Transparency.
My Public Official Kenya. Citizen Engagement.
CitizenEYE Ghana. Access to Information.
One Village One Library Bangladesh. Access to Information.
Community Action Powered by Social Media Pakistan. Citizen Engagement.
My-Voice Platform to Empower Displaced People Kenya. Citizen Engagement.
Kenya ICT4D Shared Computing Centre (SCC) Kenya. Access to Information.
Enhancing Public Hospitals Effectiveness South Africa. Access to Information.
Children Engagement for Government Accountability Tanzania. Citizen Engagement.
Academify Tanzania. Access to Information.
116 Information Sharing Portal Tanzania. Access to Information.
ICT For Women Leadership Kenya. Citizen Engagement.
Reducing Maternal Mortality with SMS Indonesia. Citizen Engagement
Deepening Transparency of Budget Absorption Indonesia. Budget Transparency.
ORBIT Indonesia. Budget Transparency.
eGovernance via Ratings & Reviews South Africa. Citizen Engagement.
Citizen-Plus-Open Information Database Nigeria. Access to Information.
The Mandera Times Kenya. Access to Information.
School Feeding Upload Ghana. Citizen Engagement.
opendatanigeria.org (web, mobile, android & IOS) Nigeria. Access to Information.
Community Dialogue Forum Nigeria. Citizen Engagement.
Wildcards have been selected by the the Global Innovation Committee – implementing consortium partners Hivos, Ushahidi and IDS – to ensure entrants with a great idea from a less ICT-enabled community aren’t disadvantaged. These were selected on the basis of the quality and innovative character of the proposal, as well as with reference to the entries’ country of implementation and theme.
27. The Open Hansard Uganda. Citizen Engagement.
A record of parliamentary debate of legislation in Uganda. Often, unless particular debates are picked up by the media, much of what is debated and which elected representatives are present, do not make it into the public arena. This will enable citizens to see what motions are being discussed and whether elected officials are expressing the mandate given to them by their electorate.
28. Taking Citizen Desk to Level 2.0 Mozambique. Citizen Engagement.
Invites citizens to file reports via SMS or social media, boosting the role of ‘watchdog’ citizens with a strong focus on government transparency and accountability. Aims to build a community of citizen reporters surrounding upcoming general elections in Mozambique Autumn 2014.
29. Ask Your Government (AYG) Uganda. Access to Information.
A web platform that allows citizens to request information from government agencies. The site will provide key information about government activity in Uganda, enabling citizens to easily monitor and open public contracts. Has established agreements with government actors.
30. OpenGhana Ghana. Asset Disclosure.
A web portal with asset disclosure information on all public office holders currently in power in Ghana.
A visual summary of all semi-finalists countries of implementation and area of focus:
What now?
All semi-finalists will now undergo a process of peer review, and vote on each others ideas. Through this process 10 finalists will emerge based on innovativeness, scalability and potential for impact. All finalists will be invited to Global Innovation Week in Nairobi, Kenya March 31 – April 3, 2014.
On Global Innovation Gala Night, April 3, 2014 three winners will be announced.
The first-place winner will receive a £65,000 grant plus expert mentorship over a six-month period, two runners-up will each receive a £35,000 grant plus expert mentorship over a six-month period. Seven smaller prizes of £5,000 will also be awarded.