The Ushahidi community consists of a diverse group of people who have helped extend, translate and deploy the platform around the world. The Beta version in 2009 was translated into Spanish, even before Swahili. That early adoption and use lay the groundwork for even more adoption in Latin America, and with other deployment partners, we saw uses from India, Kenya, Afghanistan and many others. It is with gratitude that we recognize the organizations that help Ushahidi deploy projects by awarding the Deployment Partner 2011 designation. What this means is that these organizations have shown that they are well versed in customizing the platform, engaging the community and deploying with a strategy that shows potential and informs others. We will be awarding these designations periodically as organizations continue to work with us. The organizations being honored today are: SODNET - Social Development Network (Kenya) For the work on Uchaguzi Kenya, and Pamoja Media - Joshua Wanyama (Kenya) For the Wildlife Trackers Deployment Citivox - Oscar Salazar (Mexico) For Cuidemos El Voto Small World News - Brian Conley (Afghanistan and Bahrain) 3 deployments for elections in Afghanistan and in October 2010, elections in Bahrain Digital Democracy - Mark Belinsky (USA) Emoksha - Selvam Velmurugan (India)
2011 ushahidi deployment-partners
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They will receive a badge that they can display on their sites, showing this designation for 2011. Congratulations!