Our friends at OpenStreetMap are embarking on a mapping endeavor that will create the first public digital map of Kibera. Mikel Maron of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team will work with volunteers, techies, and other partners to train youth on current mapping techniques. Over a two week period in November, the team will then map out Kibera and put the information on OpenStreetMap. This is an exciting and important initiative, because this is just the beginning. The mapping model that Mikel and his team are using will be invaluable to other organizations and communities wanting to visualize and map their surroundings. One of the organizations we've worked with from the beginning of this project Carolina For Kibera is participating in this initiative. The Ushahidi community in Kenya is invited to participate in this inaugural event and we'd like would encourage all our friends in Kenya to volunteer. The first mapping party is set for tomorrow October 28th. Location: MS Kenya, on Rhapta Road in Westlands, “just after Liza Apartments”. RSVP: Send an email to contact [at] mapkibera [dot] org or call + 254 724899738. Check out the blog for more info on the MapKibera project, or follow on twitter/mapkibera.