On behalf of Ushahidi's board of directors, team and community; I am delighted to announce that Ushahidi is a recipient of the prestigious MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions. This award comes at an apropos time as we celebrate our 5 year anniversary. It is a nod to the work of the organization and community to be recognized and awarded considering that its been a long journey from an ad hoc group of technologists putting together software; into what is quickly becoming a global data organization and catalyst for other innovative organizations. We are honored and thankful for the support of the MacArthur foundation. This award will enable Ushahidi to do more long term planning, enhance our internal capacity to make sure the free and open source tools we create are secure. More in the video below. Happy MACEI day to the team and community, and as Caitlin would say... Go Crowd + Go Cloud! Do join us as we go full circle with the work in Kenya by volunteering for a digital humanitarian team and in your respective countries by working with others to leverage technology in service of citizens.