We are proud to announce that Ushahidi has begun a partnership with Social Coding 4 Good to build our developer community. Ushahidi is getting many unusual suspects interested in using open source software. We have the opposite issue of most open source organizations. Ushahidi's community has an abundance of activists, organizations and individuals who want to use open source software but have limited technical skills. They need help with customization and building their efforts. In addition, while our code is on Github, we need to increase developer contributions to build the core. This is a two part effort: Ushahidi's core team is working to open up with new wiki Getting Involved pages for small asks and technical projects, and we need to reach out to our friends in the open source world to improve.
Social Coding 4 Good aims to build awareness of Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software (HFOSS), connect software professionals to established, non profit communities, bridge communities for good, open source, corporate, nonprofit, academic and more. So far they have 10 project partners and 25+ projects. See the Ushahidi's project page on Social Coding 4 Good. Heather and I will be sharing more about this in the coming months. Thanks to Benetech and Celine Takatsuno for including Ushahidi in this.