The team would like to start off by thanking all of you for your support and patience in the wake of our delayed release of a new beta version of Ushahidi. Today, we're happy to announce the release of Ushahidi v3.0.0-beta.9! Take it out for a spin on our demo site, but keep in mind that this is not ready for production, but we continue to get closer.
What’s changed?
The tags/create storage error has been fixed
Default OAuth client no longer requires scope confirmation
Errors will now be formatted JSON, when in developer mode
The default admin password will always be "admin", even after running tests
Forms now have a "disabled" state, which hides them from public view
What’s New?
We’ve completely removed the Backbone/Marionette client from the repository (all future efforts will be focused on the new client (
The root URL of the v3 API now shows a summary/index page
An updated release schedule will be posted very soon. The next milestone release will be on November 13th, 2014.
How Can I help?
Download and Install the platform
Set up a development build
Follow our developer processes to send in bug reports and submit changes.
If you’re not already set up on Phabricator, please head over to the Ushahidi Phabricator page and sign up. Once your account is approved, here’s a guide to get you started.
Have a look at our roadmap, and add any features you feel are of high priority for you onto the Community Features/ Wishlist section
Have you had a look at our toolkit/guide outline yet? Have any thoughts on what’s missing or what we should add? Share your feedback!
Join our discussions on IRC and the mailing list
Attention v2.x deployers! We *STILL* need you :)!
Community Paths: We STILL want to better understand how to meet your goals and expectations on v3 based on your experience with Ushahidi v2. Share your experiences with us. Instructions here
Disaster response
Human Rights Mapping
Anti-Corruption Mapping
Election Monitoring
Environmental Mapping
Translators Power Ushahidi: Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve seen a number of you jump in and help us get translations of Ushahidi products over 80% on each language. The v3 translation repository for v3 on Transifex continues to show progress. Let’s keep the fire burning. DIG IN! Here’s a quick guide on how to get started ;) More and more shwag up for grabs ;).
In the meantime, stay tuned on our blog, meetup page, twitter, facebook page and wiki for more announcements! Happy v3 beta release day!!