For the first time in Ushahidi history, we’re hosting a week of dedicated interaction between Ushahidi staff and our audiences.
Ushahidi support week is running between Monday 26th February, 2018 and Friday 2nd March 2018.
Why are we doing this?
Support week is a concept that came up at our annual team retreat this year, in a bid to strengthen the connection we have as Ushahidi, with our potential and existing users and supporters across the globe. Often, we receive a lot of requests that transcend the typical user and technical support queries. We would also like you to get to know the faces and people that make up the Ushahidi team. We’re hoping that this week will not only help us to get to know you better, but also help you get to know US better.
Where can you find us?
All week, we’ll have members of Ushahidi staff available to answer questions via the following channels
Chat via our website
Our technical support channels
Github issues
Our staff will also be taking time to show you around their typical work day, or conferences/events they are attending via the following social media channels:
Do you have any questions about the work we do? Or have ideas or conversations around our work that you would like to have with our talented and awesome Ushahidi staff? Well, this is the week to begin ;) !!
We are really excited to launch the Ushahidi Support Week today, are looking forward to interacting more with our users and community during this time. We’re committed to building stronger connections with you, and hope that this will be a great start to stronger relationships in 2018.