It’s been about a month since we launched the new version of the Ushahidi platform, and are excited to see how it’s being used in the wild :).
During the month of september, we dedicated our time to introducing you all to our new platform, and helping you understand how to make use of it. If you missed our september hangouts, you can watch them here:-
Introduction to v3
How to use Ushahidi v3 Part 1
How to install Ushahidi
Designing Ushahidi v3
Now, we want your feedback!
This November, we’re setting aside three weeks of community testing between 4th and 25th November 2015. The goal of this community testing is to help us:-
Better understand your user needs and problems
Develop core user experience insights that will drive our front end development and improve your experience using the platform
How to get started
Download and install the platform on your own server
Use our demo site
Use these log in credentials (Username: demo, password: testing) OR
Register and get in touch with us for an upgrade to admin status after registration
Email Angela Oduor Lungati(angela AT ushahidi DOT com)
Ping us on IRC/Hipchat/Gitter(Posting on any one of these channels will post on all three of them simultaneously.)
You can also use your existing deployment on OR create your own to test and send your feedback to us.
Sharing your feedback
Directly from within the demo site. Click on the feedback link and share your thoughts with us
Via Github issues (For those more comfortable with github)
Make sure to review our guide on how to submit a good bug report here.
Weekly Co Testing Days!
We’re also setting aside some time for weekly co-testing fun :). You can participate by joining us and members of the Ushahidi team on:-
IRC/Hipchat/Gitter(Posting on any one of these channels will post on all three of them simultaneously.)
Thursday November 12th, 2015:
00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC (Your local time: Start time - End time)
Friday November 20th, 2015:
00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC (Your local time: Start time - End time)
Nairobi based?
Join us at the south to south lab on Friday, 20th November, anytime between 9a.m and 5p.m EAT for a physical testing session. We’ll have pizza.. and shwag :D
… of course we’re not going to forget a translation sprint too!
We’ve seen some really great progress on the translation front since our last sprint before launch. Here’s a brief breakdown:-
Chinese - 100%
Indonesian - 100%
Swahili - 90%
Italian - 73%
German - 62%
Portuguese - 57%
We could use some help getting at least 5 more languages up above 80% completeness :). Jump into our v3 Transifex repository! (Here’s a quick guide on how to get started)
Want to have a deep dive session with a member of the Ushahidi team?
Sign up for any available timeslot on this doodle here for scheduling purposes, and we’ll make sure you get some facetime with someone on the team :).
Incase the timeslots available are not favourable for you, please feel free to get in touch with Angela(angela AT ushahidi DOT com) and Jess(jess AT ushahidi DOT com)!
Stay tuned on our blog, meetup page, twitter, facebook page and wiki for more announcements soon!
Happy v3 testing month!